Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Adsense makes a lot of sense for webmasters like me who have websites that get very little traffic. The fact that you don't have to invest any amount at all is great. Get paid for clicks. It's great.
But the only problem seems to be that they have a very tough method of selection. My website didn't get through. They didn't select it, (though the reason is unknown to me and i feel that my website is the site ever made!)
I tried some other pay for click ads but none of them got me any money at all. I joined this program (name witheld) where i was to be paid 25 cents per click nd the minimum amount for a cheque was 100 dollars. It took me about 8 months to collect 12 dollars. That was three years ago and i still haven't earnt a hundred dollars.
It is wierd.
I do hope google is better with their pay outs, though i am in no position to comment on it. I don't see why they have such a tough method of selection. What harm could accepting my website cause to them. It isn't asking too much. Or am I too 'low' for them.
It won't cause any negative publicity to them. (My website is harmless. It is JUST about some computer related topics)
I'm applying again and do hope that i am selected this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adsense is good. I used it for a while and i earnt quite a bit