Thursday, August 26, 2004


Sitting in the class during the assembly i heard the title song of Hum Tum. I normally don't appreciate Hindi songs, but this song has caught my fancy. The music is catchy and the words are good. Interesting. Looks like I'm undergoing a transformation. Not to the levels of Suri ofcourse, who listens only to Punjabi songs and some stupid English bands. The darned fellow made me listen to a song with catchy music and the following words:

Botlan sharaab diyan akha teriyan

The stupid song is tuck in my head and at present it is second only to Hum Tum.
I saw I, Robot recently and I was quite unmoved. I can't say "Shaken, not stirred"
I think it's all for now!
I'm off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was
that all about?