Friday, December 10, 2004

The end is nigh

Yes, the tenth is coming to a close. The world as we know it will cease to exist. Sections will be changed and shuffled. People will go their ways. Friends will be separated. And then the Pre-boards.
Why is it that people feel gloomy when the end of tenth is close at hand? Is it because of the impending separation or the impending exams, and hence studies. After a brief chat with my cousin, I've come to the conclusion that it's a combination of both.
Suddenly we have to study ALOT. And no more meeting friends at school. Horrifying.
And at the same time, the Agarwal Study centre had it's last class yesterday, and so I'm even more gloomy. This is probably my only "sad" entry. Most often, I'm happy or I'm complaining (or both), but now it's different.
Enough of this.
Codewars is coming up, and it just so happens that it's my favourite event. For diverse reasons, one being the school's proximity to my home and Priya (In local lingo, the Vasant Lok market is called Priya), which is my favourite hang-out spot. And also because we bagged first place in the Junior Quiz last year. I also love the school "campus" and the layout. It's amazing.
And the iPod photo sucks big-time. I'll explain why in a future entry.
That's all for now.
Bye bye and all that.
Dhruv signing off.


Dhruv said...

Possibly, but to whom are you alluding?

Karan said...

OK, buddy, let's get this straight. The iPod Photo DOES NOT SUCK. It's the coolest object ever invented by man.

Unknown said...

Hehe, don't mess with Skaranses when it comes to Spipods.

Hey, relax about your class 10 thing. I know I'm not the one who should be going on about this(cos i hated my class 10 section, and was pleased as punch to leave), but class 11 is the best fun you'll ever have in your life, or I hope it is, unless Madame Principal gets on your case a little too much.
You'll make great new friends, have a ball, and generally realise what stress means in life, for the first time.
And, according to the HT CITY (now included in my hit list), you stand a ten percent chance of getting laid.
Now isn't that something to look foward to?

Dhruv said...

Hope so.

Anonymous said...

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Dhruv said...

In our case, that would mean "If the pre-boards come, can the boards be far behind?"

Unknown said...

The Pre-Board Theme Song

When the midnight oil is burning
And ulcerous stomachs are churning
With math’s sums, your head is turning
It is for the pre-boards that you are learning

When ‘friendly wash’ makes way for “Raddi Sharma”
And S.C Bose had fought in Burma
When your mind is no longer on terra firma
The pre-boards are what you murmur

Whether Social, or Math’s; we will do it ‘Together’
Freezing in this awful weather
Chained to your desk with tether
The pre-boards float down like feather

For birthday gift, you wanted a bike
But all you got were sets of ‘U-Like’
And you tell your friends to take a hike
Because the pre-board date sheet is heard on mike

When you learn about, and don’t make noise pollution
And try to define a saturated solution
When your second home is not school, but tuition
Then pre-boards are a pact worse than Munchen

When answers need a relevant example
And the only papers you read are ‘sample’
And all that is left to do is pray at ‘tample’
Then pre-board studying has been ample

In your ears, you hear “Pay Attention”
Differentiate between colloid and suspension
Those awful things, please do not mention
The pre-boards have caused too much tension

A little gift for ya chaps, from my bachpan :P

Dhruv said...

That was good!